
As a student designer I believe that design should not only come from the mind, but from the heart as well. Interior Design has been a part of my life since childhood, allowing myself to learn and become passionate about the career. The combination of bold ideas and interesting patterns inspire my love for a modern and classic type of design. In the future, my plan is to graduate from the Washington State University Interior Design program, work for an interior design firm, and later pursue my own Interior Design business.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Negative Space

We were asked to draw a chair using only negative space. I enjoyed doing this sketch because it was something different and I found it interesting. I would like to do more sketches like this in the future so I can enhance my technique.

Fruit Cross Section

Here we were asked to draw the cross section of two pieces of fruit and a third to make a grouping. I likes doing this sketch because i thought it was cool to draw the cross section of the fruit. Normally you only see the outside, so it was cool to think of what the inside looks like.

Value Study In Line

This assignment was to draw a corner of a room and show how the light can cast shadows. One drawing shows the value of the space using line weight and the second shows the value change in the space using high contrast methods. I found this fun to do and I enjoyed drawing using the two different techniques.

Black Paper

This was a sketch assignment that asked us to sketch an architectural detail on black paper using colored pencils. I drew the molding in my dorm room using colored pencils which i found semi difficult due to the fact that you cant mess up when you are drawing on black paper with these pencils. Usually I find my self erasing a lot so it was hard not to have that option!

Room Corner

This was a sketch assignment to sketch a corner of the room using perspective. I sketched the corner of my dorm room and i found it fairly simple. With more practice and better technique i think i can really get the hang of drawing in perspective.


This assignment was to sketch our keys. This was our first sketching assignment and I think i did pretty well for my first drawing. I enjoy sketching objects more than people or houses so i enjoyed this one!

Figure Sketch

This assignment was to trace over a picture of a human who was walking, running or doing something active. For this I chose a little girl who was hopping on the beach. The tricky part was that we could only use single lines to create the figure. This was hard for me because i usually find myself drawing over my lines multiple times. I dont think this turned out too bad but I still trying to learn how to!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I have actually created my first logo! I am very proud to say I have done this and while the process was difficult, I am very happy with my result. I think this logo represents me well and is a creative a unique design. The colors compliment each other nicely and the circle is a good definite outline for the logo. I look forward to editing and adding to this logo in the future!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Textile Design

This was a textile design for my Interior Design 197 class. Using Photoshop and Indesign, I used pictures from an American Vernacular Design book to creativley piece together a textile pattern. This was a difficult project for me because i have trouble with Photoshop but I worked through that and I am proud and happy of my final product!