
As a student designer I believe that design should not only come from the mind, but from the heart as well. Interior Design has been a part of my life since childhood, allowing myself to learn and become passionate about the career. The combination of bold ideas and interesting patterns inspire my love for a modern and classic type of design. In the future, my plan is to graduate from the Washington State University Interior Design program, work for an interior design firm, and later pursue my own Interior Design business.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Ride, Don't Walk Exercise. Accessibility.

Trying to fit into the parking garage building entrance... 
Fitting into the accessible bathroom!
In order to have a better understanding of the requirements for ADA, we maneuvered ourselves around Carpenter and Daggy Hall to see how it is to fit into certain spaces and do things while sitting in a wheelchair. This was a very interesting exercise because I have never had to use a wheelchair. It was extremely hard to fit into certain spaces, such as bathrooms that are not ADA accessible, and to reach certain things, like the napkins at the coffee stand. This exercise has enlightened me to the struggles that wheelchair users are faced with on a day to day basis. It has inspired me to think a lot more about Universal Design and fitting certain requirements into all of my designs, so that no one will be left out or feel like they cannot use a space like everyone else can.

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