
As a student designer I believe that design should not only come from the mind, but from the heart as well. Interior Design has been a part of my life since childhood, allowing myself to learn and become passionate about the career. The combination of bold ideas and interesting patterns inspire my love for a modern and classic type of design. In the future, my plan is to graduate from the Washington State University Interior Design program, work for an interior design firm, and later pursue my own Interior Design business.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Urban Sketchers: Study Tour: Seattle

These are two of the sketches I did on the Sketch Crawl. I am  proud of the effort I put into these sketches.

Last week on our Study Tour in Seattle, we had the chance to sketch in the Olympic Sculpture Park with the Urban Sketchers. This was an awesome chance to enhance my sketching abilities and to learn new techniques in terms of sketching. I had been to this sculpture park before, but never to sketch. This was cool to look and things that I have seen before, and have the chance to more intricately study them. This was a new experience to me and I enjoyed it very much! It was also really cool to see how the more professional urban sketchers drew their scenes. It gave me inspiration to keep working on my techniques and sketching abilities in the future. I want to some day get to their level. I felt really good about the drawings that I did on this sketch crawl and think that by taking my time and really studying the scenes, I was able to show my abilities. I still need to work, but this gave me confidence and drive to keep working on my techniques.

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